
Instagram Video Download

Download Instagram Video, Photo, Posts, Reels, Stories, IGTV online

for example: https://www.instagram.com/p/BsOGulcndj-/

How do I upload videos from Instagram?

Instagram offers its users the opportunity to share their experiences and ideas through a variety of formats. Not only photos, but also videos are available on the platform in various formats: posts with videos, Stories, Reels, and IGTV videos.

However, the standard tools of the app and the web version do not allow uploading videos. Screen recording or reposting are possible alternatives, but the most effective solution is to use a specialized online uploader.

Save any video clips

To upload a video from Instagram, all you need to do is enter the appropriate link. This can be a link directly to the video, its shortcode, a link to the author's profile or his username.

After entering the link to the video, you will be redirected directly to it. Entering a profile link or username will give you an interface similar to the one used on Instagram.

Each video is accompanied by a "Download" button. Simply click on it to download the video.

The downloader supports working from any device. You can download videos from iOS or Android mobile devices as well as from Mac, Windows or Linux computers.

You can download using any browser you like, but there is a limitation for iPhone users: downloading via Google Chrome is not supported, so Safari or Microsoft Edge is recommended.

What is available to download from Instagram?

With the online uploader, you can save any video from Instagram, whether it's video posts, Stories, Reels, or IGTV videos.

Keep in mind that a user's profile must be open to upload videos. If you wish to save your own videos, your profile must also be public.

How do I find the right link to download videos?

To upload videos from Instagram, you can use:

  • Username.
  • Profile link.
  • A link to the video.
  • Shortcode.

Simply copy the required information and paste it into the provided field on the page.

What can go wrong?

If you are having trouble finding or uploading your profile or video, the following are likely causes:

  • Errors in the spelling of the link, username or shortcode.
  • The profile from which the upload is being made is private.

If you are sure that you have entered the correct data and that the profile is open, try refreshing the page and trying to download again.

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